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Avondale Neighborhood Archive

Collected Item: “NANA Flyer”

1. Give your story/item a short title.*

NANA Flyer

2. Describe what the object or story you've uploaded says about Avondale and/or why what you've submitted is important to you.* To increase the size of your text box, click on the bottom right corner and drag your mouse. and drag your mouse.

This flyer documents the North Avondale Neighborhood Association's Clean up event for Reading Road in July of 2021

4. Provide a file format.


6. What topics does the story/item address? Provide us with keywords. For example African American history; Education; Family; Community


7. What sort of object is this? (Image, yearbook, silver spoon, document, etc.)*


8. Give this story a date.*

July 31, 2021

9. Select the language of the item.*


10. Who originally owned the object? If you are uploading a newspaper article, please address the company name.*


11. Describe your relationship with the creator/owner of the item.

Click here to view the corresponding item.