
black and white aerial view of UC campus from 1920
UC campus aerial view in 1920. Photo courtesy: UC Rare Books and Archives, the UC Photographs Collection.

Inspired by former provost and historian Gene Lewis, the Bearcat Memory Project was launched in 2017 by Dr. Fritz Casey-Leininger and his students. Since then the Bearcat Memory Project has been collecting, preserving, and sharing the stories of former UC faculty and staff by connecting student interviewers with former faculty and staff members who want to share the history of their time at UC. This website is a digital repository of the oral history interviews that students have conducted and transcribed. We are actively seeking new interview subjects and wish to diversify the stories told on this site. 

The Bearcat Memory Project has received generous support from Gene and Dottie Lewis and the UC Emeriti Faulty Association.

Interviews were conducted by UC undergraduate and graduate students to:

◆ Collect UC stories not recorded in the official administrative documents.
◆ Stimulate knowledge of and interest in the history of UC.
◆ Build a cross-generational connection between UC faculty and students.
◆ Preserve resources for future scholars and students.

If you would like to share your experiences as faculty or staff  at UC, please contact Dr. Anne Delano Steinert (steineao@ucmail.uc.edu).

“I’m a Bearcat for life.”

Anthony Perzigian