Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2:00 pm – 3:20 pm

Synchronous Online

Dr. Elizabeth Frierson

This lecture/discussion course explores the modern history of war and peace in the Middle East and includes parts of Eastern Europe and North Africa. We explore varieties of warfare, peacemaking, and peacekeeping from early modern times (1450’s) through the 21st century. We will study the ruling elites and the vast majority of the population without that authority. We train in comparative analyses across borders to refine our understanding and become more precise in identifying and understanding conditions of war and peace. Primary source documents range from scriptures and religious laws in different traditions, through modern low-ranking religious and devoutly secular fighters’ and civilians’ experiences on land, sea, and eventually air. The course is adapted each semester to the interests and backgrounds of students who enroll, to build a student community of balanced and evidence-based analysts who can construct an ethical and persuasive argument about events past and present.