Category: 1099 Freshman Seminars

HIST 1099-01: Going Viral: Disease, Epidemics, and Public Health in American History

Spring 2024; Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:30 – 10:50 AM Alysha Federkeil This course examines the history of American health crises from the colonial era through the twentieth first…

HIST 1099-002: Building Homes for Black Past: Black Public History

Erena Nakashima This course explores the ubiquitous nature of Black history in American thoughts and culture across different periods. We will examine the role of individuals and organizations…

HIST 1099-01: TBD

This course covers the history and impact of mass media and the press in American history. From revolutionary pamphlets to muckrakers to the Civil Rights movement, the press…

HIST 1099-01: Immigration and Nativism in the US

Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00 am – 12:20 pm Tony Russomanno This course explores the origins of immigration to the US and the interactions of immigrants within the nation’s…

HIST 1099-02: From Colonialism to Hip-Hop & Reggaeton: Introduction to Caribbean History

Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, 2:00-:3:20 Dr. William Garcia-Medina Most North Americans view the Caribbean as a tropical paradise of palm trees and resorts for tourist consumption. Our goal…
