Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, 1:25 – 2:20 pm

Dr. Christopher Phillips

This course will introduce students to the history of the American South from its colonial beginnings to the conclusion of the American Civil War.

The region’s history was characterized by the persistence of the institution of slavery and systemic forms of racial subordination, wide social stratification, and defeat in the Civil War. It informs the more general history of America in that it counters the national myths of innocence, invincibility,  and affluence. Thus the class will examine the South’s people,  black, white, and red,  its social and cultural institutions,  prevailing political ideology,  and ultimately its meaning in the early American continuum.

All 4000-level courses must culminate in a significant historical research paper (at least 12 pages, no more than 15 pages), including primary and secondary sources. Assignments leading to the final product must include a primary source analysis and either an annotated research bibliography or a historiographical essay.

Prerequisite: To take this course, students must earn a C or higher in Hist3000.