I was born and raised in Cincinnati. My hobbies are D&D and working out.

What are you up to these days?  

I work at the local Fresh Market in Oakley.

What brought you to history at UC? 

I always had a deep love and appreciation of history and UC’s history course allowed me to study a diverse range of topics with several great professors and fellow students.

What did you focus on as a history student at UC? 

I focused on societies and their development in various periods.

Did you have any favorite history courses? Which ones and why? 

My favorite history courses focused on Aztec, Inka, and Maya: Indigenous Empires in Latin America and the History of Latin America, both with Dr. Brianna Leavitt-Alcantara. I also loved Peter the Great and the History of the Soviet Union during World War II with Dr. Willard Sunderland. These were my favorite courses because they were interesting subjects presented by two fun professors in a way that made them easy to follow.

What did you focus on in your capstone and why? 

My capstone project focused on “The Knives of November: A Look at the Stab-in-the-Back Myth and the Culture that Produced It.” I argued that attention to insidious myths that rewrite history, like the stab-in-the-back myth, can give us an insight into how authoritarianism can rise as well as how cultures react to defeat and trauma after a war, especially in the context of liberal democracy.

What skills did you pick up from studying history that have served you well beyond your courses? 

The skills that I picked up from studying history that have served me well beyond my courses are critical thinking skills, analytical skills, and public speaking skills

Have any advice for current students? 

Be yourself and your creativity and passion will shine through.