I’m a history major and my target graduation date is Spring 2025. Some hobbies of mine are role-playing games like D&D. I also like playing in casual sports leagues with my friends and primarily play soccer, baseball, and basketball. I’m really into movies.

What brought you to history at UC?  

I wasn’t sure what I wanted my major to be and I started experimenting with History classes at UC. After that I realized that studying history was something that was super passionate about and wanted to continue. In addition, I had some really good experiences with the professors.

What are you focusing on (so far) in your history major or minor?

My concentration has been for the most part self-directed, but it looks like its leaning towards Law, History, & Society. My classes have mainly focused on imperialism and colonialism in the early modern and modern periods. They also focus on modern state formation. Geographically it is mostly Europe and America.

What skills are you picking up from studying history that are coming in handy beyond your history classes? 

Since I started studying history, my writings skills, reading comprehension, and overall communication skills have improved so much. I now consider more things when I’m talking to people so it’s something that has strengthened my empathy for sure.

Have any advice for incoming and prospective history students?

I would recommend getting to know professors well. You are going to go over really complex things sometimes and it’s good to have someone who you can ask questions to consistently.

What do you hope to do after college?

I hope to teach history, but if that doesn’t work out then I at least want to do something that involves historical analysis, whatever it may be.

What’s your favorite part of studying history at UC so far?

The people and varying perspectives. I have had the privilege of talking to some really smart students and professors. Because of that I feel like I’ve learned so much.