I am a graduating senior in the spring of 2024 at UC. As a History Major with a minor in Spanish, many of my classes have focused on the history of Latin America. I have also taken classes on the history of Christianity, Colonial and Early America, and the United States in the days of Abraham Lincoln. I am a huge Reds fan and baseball fan in general. In fact, my capstone paper focuses on the controversy surrounding the 1919 World Series. My favorite hobbies include reading, climbing, and playing video games in my leisure time. I am a member of UC’s rock climbing and esports clubs.

What brought you to the study of history at UC?  

I took an interesting path to history. When I arrived at UC in 2020, I was a physics student focusing on astrophysics. Going into my Sophomore year, I decided to switch to history. I had history credits from high school, and always had an interest in the subject, but this was obviously a new experience for me. Over the next few years I discovered a real passion for writing and research that has carried me to today.

What are you focusing on (so far) in your history major or minor? (I.e, chronological, geographical, or thematic focus, etc).

Many of my classes at UC have focused on the history of Latin America from the early native civilizations to the modern day. In my 4000-level class, I heavily researched the Bolivian National Revolution of 1952 and its place in the greater history of Latin America. However, for my capstone I wrote about baseball history focusing on the scandal surrounding the 1919 World Series.

What skills are you picking up from studying history that are coming in handy beyond your history classes?

The attention to detail, careful research, and reading skills needed as a history student have been extremely useful in other classes. I have found myself more able to take on more reading and research than I thought myself capable of beforehand.

Have any advice for incoming and prospective history students?

Do not procrastinate or at least do so as little as possible. Obvious advice, but especially with the history curriculum even a little procrastination can set you behind weeks of reading. Especially with higher level classes, make sure to try and do a half hour of reading or writing every day.

What do you hope to do after college?

I plan to apply for the History Master’s program at UC.

What’s your favorite part of studying history at UC so far?

My favorite part of studying history at UC was the community. The faculty are constantly helpful and motivated me to continue to get better. My classmates were always great to talk to and discussion of our capstone projects this past year were always interesting.