Eula Bingham


Dr. Eula Bingham details her time at UC as a member of the Kettering Laboratory, as a member of the Chemistry Department, the University Administration, and as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health during the Carter Administration.

Interviewee: Eula Bingham
Interviewers: Ashton Czech and Samuel Mangold-Lennett
Date: February 7, 2018

Interview Transcript

Fritz Casey-Leininger: We’re recording whenever you’re ready. 

Ashton Czech: Alright. Hello, my name is Ashton. This is my partner Sam and we are here to interview Dr. Eula Bingham as part of the University of Cincinnati History 3097 honor seminar course titled Bearcat Legacies in collaboration with the University of Cincinnati and Emeriti Faculty History Project. The date is Wednesday, February 7 2018. And the time is 2:13pm. This interview is taking place at the UC Winkler center, specifically in the Lucas boardroom. First of all like to say thank you, Dr. Bingham for taking your time to help us out here. Now starting off, you’ve already provided us with some information about your basic bi—biographical information, we’d have one quick question of basically what was your family like? What was your family life like when you were a child? 

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