Martha Stephens


Martha Stephens is a retired professor of English at UC who worked there from 1967 to 1988. She discusses her unique experience teaching at UC and being the first person in the city of Cincinnati to investigate the full body radiation experiments being held on UC’s medical campus. 

Interviewee: Martha Stephens
Interviewer: Katelyn Parvesse
Date: June 4, 2021

Interview Transcript

Katelyn Parvesse: Hi, my name is Katelyn, today we’re going to be interviewing Dr. Stevens, can you please tell us your name and your association with UC 
Martha Stephens:  Martha Stephens I came to UC with uh well with my husband to teach there and I was in the English department he taught political science. 

KP: And can you I apologize for the technical difficulties we had earlier. Can you please reiterate what your work was at UC?  

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